Inspired by the Paradox Pokémon from the Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet video games, Scarlet & Violet—Paradox Rift introduces Ancient and Future Pokémon and Trainer cards. Embodying toughness and power, Ancient Pokémon tend to have direct attacks that do a lot of damage, and they’re more difficult to Knock Out. Harnessing speed and technique, Future Pokémon tend to have Abilities and attacks with extra effects that allow for clever maneuvers and crafty strategy. In addition, Ancient Trainer cards tend to assist Ancient Pokémon, while Future Trainer cards tend to assist Future Pokémon.
Technical Machines have also returned to the Pokémon TCG in Scarlet & Violet—Paradox Rift, where they appear as new Pokémon Tool cards that allow access to a new attack while attached.
Scarlet & Violet—Paradox Rift is now available in booster packs, Elite Trainer Boxes and special collections at participating retailers worldwide, also here.